地址: 中国呼和浩特内蒙古大学学术会议中心;时间: 2019年8月20-22日
⟡ 会议主题”坚持生态优先,推动绿色发展“,旨在促进草原生态和保护方面的国际交流合作,重点讨论中亚地区的天然草原、尤其是古代'丝绸之路'及周边国家天然草原生态和保护问题;
⟡ 会议由内蒙古自治区科学技术协会和内蒙古大学联合北京、甘肃、青海省科学技术协会等单位主办,并受到中国生态学会和中国草学会等协会和“蒙草”和“草都”等企业的协助和支持;
⟡ 会议主要议题包括(1)草原生物多样性保育,(2)退化草原生态系统修复,(3)生态系统功能与健康,(4)多重生态系统服务等;
⟡ 会议包括两天的学术交流和会后科学考察;考察路线为呼和浩特-锡林浩特,考察费用自理;
⟡ 会议不收取注册费/会议费,但限制参加人员数,会议期间食宿自理;
⟡ 会议将会出版论文集,欢迎提交论文或摘要(500字以上),论文优先;提交论文或摘要是未经发表,且具有原创性。
⟡ 请尽早通过电子邮件向会议秘书处注册你的参会申请,并返回参会回执单。
⟡ 提交论文及参会回执单的截止日期为2019年8月1日。
张 庆 邮箱qzhang82@163.com;电话13674780584
马文红 邮箱whmpku@126.com; 电话15848927086
玮乐思、傅红霞 邮箱 nmkxgjb@163.com;
电话0471-6289924; 传真:0471-6963234
International Symposium on Grassland Ecology and Conservation (Venue: The Conference Center of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China; Date: August 20-22, 2018)
⟡ The conference is organized for promoting the international exchange and collaborations in grassland ecology and conservation, with a focus on the natural grasslands in central Asia, that is, in the countries along the ancient 'Silk Road' in Eurasian continent;
⟡ The conference is organized by the Association of Science and Technology (AST) of Inner Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia University, in association with the AST of Beijing, Gansu and Qinghai Provinces, and the supports from the Ecological Society and the Grassland Society of China, as well as grassland based enterprises;
⟡ The conference themes include but not limited to (i) grassland biodiversity and conservation, restoration and management of degraded grasslands, (3) grassland ecosystem functioning and health, and (4) co-supply of multiple ecosystem services. The event includes a two-day's conference and a post-conference field excursion;
⟡ The conference has no conference/registration fees, but has a limit on the number of participants. So please register your application at your earliest convenience, no later than August 1, 2018, by sending an email to the secretariat, along with an abstract of your intended presentation [title (14pt); authors (specify the presenter if multiple authors), authors' positions and affiliations, and main text of 500-1000 words (12pt)].
Conference secretariat:
Dr Qing Zhang (qzhang82@163.com)
Dr Wenhong Ma (whmpku@126.com)
School of Ecology and Environment
Inner Mongolia University
235 University West Road, Hohhot, 010021 China